

I like shoes very much and I have many shoes. I will recommend some shoes that I have.
Recentry my favorite shoes brand is Reebok and I have two shoes which brand is Reebok. I have a different color of this shoes and Pump Fury is this shoes name. I wanted this shoes for a long time so I am very happy to buy this shoes. This shoes are very easy to wear and walk. I recommend this shoes.

Next I recommend the shoes named Onitsuka Tiger. I was presented this shoes in my birthday from my father. My father has many shoes in his shoescase and his shoes are very expensive. I sometimes wear his shoes and these are very cool. I often go to the shoes shop ABC mart and buy shoes. I cannot be satisfied even bought a much shoes.

I recommend the shoes named Air Max. This shoes was very famous in the world so Air Max hunting had been carried out. This shoes was very popular and it was very expensive and it was hard to get. I have this shoes but I want a different kind of this shoes. If I get much money, I buy this shoes.

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